A lot of people rely on tomorrow when thinking about self-development and new skills. But, hey, tomorrow is already here! It’s time to develop your skills and forge new ones.
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If you lack spare time and your job is far from creative, then you probably feel you are standing still. But don’t just be a victim of circumstances! If you wish to gain new knowledge, but have little time to do so, examine these tips from Work.ua and learn how to improve yourself at no detriment to your current job or workplace.
Set up a meeting with a colleague from a different department
Would you like to know more about sales? Or Google Analytics? Or targets and programmes for designers? Or is making cool presentations and genius reports your dream? Or are you progressing with your graduation work but lack information? We are sure, if you ask your boss or colleague from another department to have a brief friendly meeting, they won’t refuse. Just note your questions down in advance and, of course, don’t take too much of your colleague’s time.
Read business literature
Even if you have spent an eternity in a particular field, refreshing your knowledge would never go amiss. Professional literature can help you discover new skills and expose you to new ideas.
Follow professional media and experts in your field
Become a member of professional groups in social media and watch useful YouTube videos. By following these tips you will keep up with the latest news and trends in your field. Remember that it can be useful not only to read certain discussions but also participate in them. It will bring you useful new contacts and enhance your status (of course, if you show your expertise).
Take on a small project unconnected to your job
It’s a great chance to build new skills and extend your portfolio and list of contacts. For example, you are asked to help with a social media group. This project will enable you to learn how to promote a product in social media, how to write popular posts and so on. You’ll build new skills. Or you may even find out that a small project is your passion.
Take an online course. If you want to broaden your knowledge in a certain field or obtain a new profession, you cannot avoid distance education. You can listen to webinars and online-courses while going to or from work, during lunch or before going to bed. This can be useful for those who realise that their current job doesn’t suit them and would like to change their lives, but can’t find the time to enter university.
Attend workshops and master classes
Many companies organise these types of events for their staff. Sometimes they bring in well-known speakers and experts in a particular field. If there are no such events in your company, don’t be upset — just find some ads in social media. There may be a university nearby, where you may attend free classes, but you just didn’t know. These techniques are valid when preparing for MBA exams (MBA is part of self-development too).
So develop yourself every day and enjoy every moment of your life!